Monday, August 3, 2015

Going National

Jerusalem Second Wind Productions

Whew! That was a long nap.  Like the best of sleeps, there was truly unusual and inspiring things going on under the surface-- that looks so calm and relaxed.  I'll write more about that in a little bit, but we've leapt out of bed and into action, so I should cover a couple of immediate items first. 

Yes! We're gearing up an ambitious, raucous, and thought-provoking production of Jerusalem by Jez Butterworth.  For those unfamiliar with the play, it has nothing to do with the Middle East; it was, however, a major hit in London and New York, garnering rave reviews from every major newspaper.  Auditions are being held on August 9th and we're looking for a wide range of actors from 9-65 years of age.  For more info, visit Second Wind's website here.

National Black Theatre Festival

Between then and now I'll be going national in North Carolina for the National Black Theatre Festival, a week-long bonanza of performances, workshops, and talks.  They'll be presenting a reading of my newest work, One Drop of Blood, which explores divisions within the black community in this pressurized environment of vigilantism and racial conflict.  It is a re-working of an earlier work, Vigilance, into the black community, that also asks the question of how Black and Whites deal differently when faced with similar threats to their way of live.  Given the time (racial relations today), the place (the South), and a majority African-American audience, I'm very curious to see what it evokes.

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