Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Memorization and the Director

Occassionally, companies and productions require the actors show up to the first rehearsal already off-book, but it's much more likely to have that first read be almost "cold", with the process of memorization beginning from the first day. When there are only two actors-- such as in The Woman in Black-- that can be a huge task. So today we looked at the director's role (and responsibility) when it comes to the actors being memorized in a timely manner, and two approaches to make learning lines easier.

What landed on the cutting room floor (if I can be so grandiose) were some tips for the actor's process, so I'll mention a few here: First, memorize in small pieces-- don't try to accomplish too much. I often spend 15 minutes first thing in the morning going over a section before I start the daily shower/breakfast routine (so I can run them in my head) and then I spend 10 minutes in review before heading off to work. By far the most helpful tip I can offer is to review the lines of scene both before you work it in rehearsal, and then the following day. Actors sometimes review lines before a rehearsal and then move onto the next section without returning to the pages. Even 15 minutes in post-rehearsal review can be enormously helpful.

But todays video entry is on the director's role, and two ways the director can set the actors up for success.

Did I mention tickets are on sale for The Woman in Black? Now would not be too late to purchase them.

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